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The World’s Largest Sports Related IT Contract.
   As the Worldwide IT Partner for the Olympic Games and Top sponsor, Atos Origin integrates, manages and secures the vast IT system that relays results, events and athlete information to spectators and media around the world.
   The Atos Origin contract with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the world’s largest sports related IT contract and was recently extended to cover the Sochi Olympic Winter Games in 2014 in Russia and the Rio Olympic Summer Games in 2016 in Brazil.
   Atos Origin brings extensive international IT experience to the Olympic Games, including global expertise and leadership in consulting, systems integration, operations management, information security and software applications development.
   Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee said: "Atos Origin, our long-term partner, is the brains behind the technology operations for the Olympic Games, consistently delivering high-quality services on schedule. The Beijing Olympic Games were spectacular and Atos Origin provided a crucial role in ensuring the success of the event from a technological perspective, and in making sure that the IT systems functioned perfectly. We are confident that Atos Origin will once again deliver an outstanding job for future Games.” 
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