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Automated Intelligence Systems

Automated Intelligence Systems was founded in 2006 as a private Research & Development Centre. Ever since, R&D remains our heart & soul.

It is the craving for holistic improvements and innovations that drives each & every our step. And when we say “holistic”, we actually mean it.

Making a real difference is a challenge that takes an excellent all-rounded team of extra experts, a constant search of opportunities, a perfect feeling for trends & a non-stop will to play with them.

We have it all and enjoy it all.

Imagine a team that is perfectly fit to deal with the most exciting puzzles & challenges in the worlds of artificial intelligence, HFT, cutting edge technologies? Well, that’s us.

We don’t wonder what the future will bring, we’re more fond of creating it.

We took up HFT – and developed a system that comprises over 10% of the Russian market turnovers and is considered the most effective HFT platform according to MICEX-RTS in 2011 & 2012. Success is not a reason to stop & stare though off, we go to other worldwide markets.

Because every development is a future successful project.

While creating the system, we’ve grown an extra set of competences, which made us a very welcome stock exchange consultant.

Because every challenge leads to new creations & opportunities to be used.

We started with cutting edge technologies, we built a em company on it. We apply it to create a whole new ecosystem. And we’re up to the challenge.

Because we feel like making a difference. Do you?   

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