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Backbase is a Visionary software vendor listed the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Software, founded in 2003 and privately held. Financials want the most compelling digital experience for their customers, but in today’s Web 2.0 World, legacy banking systems struggle to keep pace. Backbase helps financials to create a new user experience layer on top of their existing systems that combines content, data and functionality from different underlying systems into fresh customer dialogs. Backbase’s white-label Bank 2.0 Portal software enables financials to deliver next-generation online banking services across multiple devices (including tablets and smart phones), and turns their online channel into a true customer experience platform. Backbase helps financial organizations to re-use their existing systems, and enter the era of 'Engagement Banking' where they manage and optimize their online customer experiences and grow revenue and loyalty.
Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.backbase.com
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