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Букинг.ком Русиа

Booking.com B.V., part of the Priceline Group (Nasdaq: PCLN), owns and operates Booking.com™, the world leader in booking accommodation online. Each day, over 800,000 room nights are reserved on Booking.com. The Booking.com website and apps attract visitors from both the leisure and business sectors worldwide.

Established in 1996, Booking.com B.V. guarantees the best prices for every type of property, from small, family-run bed and breakfasts to executive apartments and five-star luxury suites. Self-catered properties are also specifically a focus of Villas.com, a sister site recently launched by Booking.com. Truly international, Booking.com is available in more than 40 languages, and offers over 612,083 properties in 211 countries.

Over 8600 people right across the world are dedicated to serving Booking.com’s customers and property-owning partners.

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