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CATG Gruop

The company “Central Asia Trans Gas" (CATG) operates in the market of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2007 and provides a wide range of services in the field of construction, leasing, logistics, consulting, and wholesale trade both in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad. 

Our unique services have been chosen by such well-known business entities such as: “China National Petroleum Company” (China), “China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau” (China), “Akkord Construction Industry Investment Corporation” (Azerbaijan), “Zeppeline Caterpillar” (United States), and many others. We also cooperate with many leading countries such as China, South Korea, Germany, Russia, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates.


One of the new directions of the company, investment in the stock market of Russia, CIS, Asia, Europe and the United States. Company aktsitvno attracts investment and portfolio manager.

Впечатления о компании