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Ciklum is a Danish innovative IT outsourcing company specializing in nearshore software development in Eastern Europe and CIS countries. We do not follow the traditional IT outsourcing model of project-based services, and instead we offer our clients to establish your own dedicated IT department in one of ours nearshore and/or offshore development centers or to outsource, completely or partially, your software development. This is equivalent to having your in-house IT specialists but for a significantly lower cost and less administrative nuisances. Our unique business model merges the human element with IT to not only help companies to grow, but provide ongoing resources that sustain growth with the flexibility to scale up or down as markets shift. Ciklum clients can gain control over their IT processes and systems and get more value from the resources they already have. At Ciklum, our employees are our main asset. They build the company and direct us on how to meet their expectations. Working inside Ciklum, you have an opportunity to be a part of a strong community of 700+ employees and also to be a member of a client team.
Впечатления о компании
Сайт: ciklum.com
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