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Clubwise Business Solutions

In today’s increasingly competitive Health and Fitness club market, you need to ensure your costs are kept to a minimum, your sales are maximised and your member retention is the best it can be.

ClubWise is an FCA regulated market leader in the UK and Australia and is used by over 900 customers. ClubWise integrates Club Management Software, Direct Debit Collection Services, Marketing, Referral Management and Retention Services, in a single, cloud-based solution, so providing tangible benefits for your business.

Clubwise works closely with, and understands the business requirements of health and fitness clubs in all sectors. Each club is unique, which is why Clubwise have developed systems and software to provide solutions for a number of club types and stakeholders. Our aim is to enable health and fitness clubs to have the freedom to focus on what matters most: members.

The Clubwise Club Management Solution is a fully hosted, web-based product that provides unlimited and secure user access and control.

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.clubwise.com
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