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DeGolyer and MacNaughton

DeGolyer and MacNaughton is a geographically based petroleum consulting firm.  Professionals evaluate regions where they have applied expertise and in-depth knowledge.  That unique geographical matching of personnel to specific projects creates a more cost-effective, efficient consulting service.  D&M has vast experience in North America and worldwide.  During six decades, the firm has successfully performed studies on hundreds of thousands of petroleum properties in more than 100 countries.

In all their endeavors–from annual reserve updates to multidimensional, multiphase models of complex reservoirs—the staff of DeGolyer and MacNaughton are directed by a philosophy that values Knowledge, Integrity, and Service.

"From the beginning," said co-founder Lewis W. MacNaughton, "DeGolyer insisted that a firm such as ours must have knowledge and integrity and give service. Knowledge includes our brains, experience, files and library…. Unquestioned integrity rests on high ethical standards…. Service is more than just doing a client’s job as requested and on time. It includes placing yourself in the client’s position so you can see what his problems are and so that helpful comments can be made to the proper executive."

The firm of DeGolyer and MacNaughton continues to be committed to its founders' criteria for performance, which have set the standards for the industry—knowledge, integrity and service.
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