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Dietsmann is the Leading Independent Specialist of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) for Oil, Gas, LNG and Power Plants leveraging 35 years of cumulated know-how of plant and equipment.
Our core business is planning and managing:
- The Operation & Maintenance
- The Maintenance, Engineering and Inspection (MEI)
- Pre-commissioning & Commissioning
- Technical Support
- Training and transfer of know-how.
Major international and national oil and gas companies entrust Dietsmann with the O&M of their production facilities. We currently have major ongoing projects in West, Central and North Africa, Middle East, Caspian Sea Region and Russia. Our Support and Coordination Center based in Monaco includes the Management, HR, IT, HSE/Quality, Technical Direction, Finance & Legal & Tax departments. In France, Dietsmann Technologies located in Salies-du-Salat & Toulouse provides a wide range of electrical & instrumentation engineering and construction services. Dietsmann, with a total of over 5400 employees worldwide, hires approximately 350 employees on an annual basis, and about 20 for Monaco.
All vacancies can be found from the Recruitment section of the company’s website: www.dietsmann.com.
You are welcome to send us an open application on jobs@dietsmann.com