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Джи 4 Эс Евразия

G4S is the world's leading international security solutions group From risk assessment to delivery, we work in partnership with governments, businesses and other organisations to provide integrated solutions to security challenges. Our heritage goes back over a century and, with more than 625,000 employees, we are one of the largest private employers in the world. We protect rock stars and sports stars, people and property, including some of the world’s most important buildings and events. From advising on stadium building plans to crowd control and ensuring event tickets are not forged; From delivering pay packets to ensuring ATMs have enough cash to meet your shopping needs; From delivering cash to bank branches and retail outlets to managing the flow of cash for central banks and major retailers; From ensuring travellers have a safe and pleasant experience in ports and airports around the world to secure detention and escorting of people who are not lawfully entitled to remain in a country; In more ways than you might realise, G4S is securing your world.

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Сайт: www.g4s.com
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