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Elster Electricity

Elster Group is a world leader in Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and integrated metering and utilization solutions to the gas, electricity and water industries. Elster’s high quality AMI and AMR products, systems, and solutions reflect the wealth of knowledge and experience gained from over 170 years of dedication to measuring precious resources and energy.  

Elster provides world class solutions and advanced technologies to help utilities more easily, efficiently and reliably obtain and use advanced metering intelligence to improve customer service, enhance operational efficiency, and increase revenues. Elster's AMI solutions enable utilities to cost-effectively generate, deliver, manage and conserve the life-essential resources of gas, electricity and water.  The group has over 7,500 staff and operations in 38 countries, focused in North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.elster.com
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