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FTS Maconomy

For innovative Trend-setting Services

FTS was created to establish a unique brand for delivering the most innovative trend-setting IT consulting services and knowledge transfer to the service industry enterprises.
FTS mission is to transform business vision into technical reality. The emphasis is put on innovation and specifically the process of integrating expertise in system implementation and technology, by which the service organizations community achieve breakthrough outcomes across their business initiatives.
We work closely with our customers, helping them to use the full potential of their IT investment. Our assistance extends beyond the implementation of the solution itself to the realization of projected benefits.


Created in 1994, today the company has a team of 50 employees, a Headquarter in the Netherlands and subsidiaries in Russia, Bulgaria, Poland and Ukraine.

Our Team

FTS stands for innovative consulting teams integrated with software technology specialists, that can identify properly the real needs of the client, exploit opportunities and deploy software solutions. We are unique as practitioners delivering consulting services, that help our customers improve their business performance and create business opportunities through the effective use of PSA (Professional Services Automation) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software.

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.fts-eu.com
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