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Gridnine Systems

Gridnine Systems is one of the leading companies in the new breed of offshore software development providers. We partner with clients to provide sophisticated end-to-end technology solutions - from concept and strategy development, architecture and design to the execution and launch of complex initiatives.

Gridnine Systems helps clients improve their business performance through IT. Our clients know they can count on us for sound advice - from both an organizational and a technological perspective - and its realization. Our activities include strengthening the position of companies in their value chain, creating new sales opportunities for products and services and improving internal and external business processes and business intelligence. Gridnine Systems strengths lie in our proven industry knowledge, combined with creative thinking and the ability to facilitate IT related change processes. With a focus on control, we ensure that we deliver on time and on budget during production. But we don’t stop there: your new digital product needs continuous care and we’ll make sure that you get all the support you need. Finally, our offshore software development center allows us to deliver great value-for-money to our clients.

Gridnine Systems' clients are primarily large and medium-sized international corporations. In the past Gridnine Systems has built a solid reputation based on professionalism, commitment to partnership and a proven track record. A reference list is presented in the clients section.

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.gridnine.com
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