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Helen Doron

The Helen Doron Group's mission is to make a positive difference in the education of children and youth worldwide. We help children achieve their highest potential through groundbreaking methodologies, dedicated teachers, enjoyable programs and quality educational materials.

Encouraging childhood development through nurturing, creativity, excellence and innovation.

We teach English children from 3 months up to 19 years. Helen Doron internationally acclaimed English learning system stimulates a child's natural ability to learn through repeated hearing at home, and play activities in the class - creating a positive, fun-filled environment that gives children the ability to learn English as if it was their native tongue.

Helen Doron Early English is based on a unique methodology successfully taught in Europe since 1985.

In 2004 the first Helen Doron Early English Centre was opened in Saint-Petersburg. Now there are 19 HDEE Learning Centres in different districts of Saint-Petersburg.

For more information please see www.helendoron.com

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Сайт: www.helendoron.ru
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