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I-flex solutions limited Moscow Branch office

About i-flex i-flex provides comprehensive IT solutions exclusively to the financial services industry worldwide. Oracle is the majority shareholder of i-flex, with approximately 80% of the outstanding shares Technology products, custom applications and services, consulting services, IT infrastructure services and bpo for the financial industry – that’s what we specialize in providing Our products and services have helped our customers reduce costs, respond rapidly to market needs, enhance customer service levels and mitigate risk. We have serviced the technology needs of more than 790 financial institutions, in over 130 countries, including Banco de Chile, Citibank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Shinsei bank and UBS. Our strong alliances with industry leaders such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and Oracle help us deliver evolved and cost-effective technology solutions. In addition, we deliver and implement local flavors of our products through 40 corporate business partners who represent us in over 85 countries
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