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Infobip is a world leader in mobile messaging. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide specialized messaging products and solutions to our clients worldwide.


Since the launch of Infobip in 2006, we’ve been moving barriers and changing the way people and businesses interact in the ever changing mobile space.


Our mobile services cloud powers an ecosystem where everyone prospers – operators, enterprises, developers and most importantly – mobile users. With 34 offices worldwide, more than 300 operator partnerships and in-house built infrastructure, we serve the most demanding industries across the globe. 


Our entire portfolio is designed in-house and draws on our extensive experience, taking into account specific requirements of our clients and partners. 


 A wonderful team spirit, creativity and persistence are the drivers of our company. We are artists with a passion for technology who will make the difference. We believe that by disrupting mediocrity and status quo we will change the way people and businesses interact through their mobile devices.


A passion for mobile, for coming up with new ways of connecting the world – that's what all Infobippers share. Constantly improving and upgrading the system, our passionate and dedicated people truly are our strength.


For more information, visit our corporate web site at www.infobip.com.



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