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Interdean is a long-established corporate moving specialist with a proud history spanning more than 45 years. We deliver superior moving services to expatriates and their families who are relocating for business purposes, usually internationally. We serve a customer base from a range of companies, both large and small, from various sectors and locations around the world.


Interdean has over 800 specialist staff in 40 countries working alongside the HR team of our corporate clients to implement the moving elements of their relocation policy. We then work on a one-to-one basis with their employees and their families, to manage their individual requirements.


We take control of the moving process and provide a world-class service, resulting in effortless relocation for some 30,000 families each year. Our longevity is proof of our success, which we achieve by focusing on quality processes and best practice to provide you with consistently great service and value.

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Сайт: www.Interdean.com
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