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            Founded in 1978, InterSystems Corporation is a US$300,000,000 privately-held software company with offices in 23 countries and corporate headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US. We provide the premier platform for connected healthcare, and our innovative products are widely used in other industries that demand the highest software performance and reliability. Leading application software vendors also leverage the high performance and reliability of InterSystems' advanced technology in their own products.
            For companies that require an extremely high-performance and ultra reliable database system, we offer InterSystems Caché®. Caché provides a rapid development environment for complex applications along with a lightning-fast, multidimensional engine that uniquely combines a powerful object database with robust SQL. Caché is so reliable, it is the world’s #1 database in clinical healthcare applications.
            For enterprises that want to rapidly connect and extend systems, we offer InterSystems Ensemble®. Ensemble enables the fast creation of connectable applications, and makes it possible to enrich existing applications easily with a browser-based user interface, adaptable workflow, rules-based business processes, messaging, executive dashboards, Web services and more. Its architecturally consistent design combines an integration server, data server, application server, and portal server into a single, seamless environment that delivers breakthrough time-to-results.
            Modern enterprises that care about the maximum operation al efficiency and are constantly improving their performance, quality and timing for decisions at all levels, are benefitting from the use of InterSystems DeepSee, which is online Business Intelligence Add-on to base InterSystems technology products.
            For the creation of electronic health records on a regional or national basis, we offer InterSystems HealthShare™. HealthShare is the first software platform that includes the technologies needed to get electronic health record systems up and running quickly across multiple organizations, plus a complete development environment for customizing solutions to meet the requirements of each deployment.
            Working with our innovative database and integration technologies enables companies to create, deploy, run and connect applications faster. In addition, outside of the United States, we offer InterSystems TrakCare™, a revolutionary Web-based solution that empowers healthcare professionals by delivering rich patient-centric information to every point of care. It is a showcase for the many benefits that our innovative technologies can bring to any vendor or user of enterprise-class applications.
Interview procedure
            The candidates need to be prepared for InterSystems personality assessment as well as for successfully passing InterSystems Professional Employment Test (technical positions may also require successful completion of InterSystems programming test). After the profile of the candidate is assessed and it is matching the position requirements, in person interviews are set up.
            Moscow, Russia
            InterSystems offices at WTC.


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