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Lighthouse Russia BV

Lighthouse Russia B.V. (hereafter “Lighthouse”) is a Dutch business Consultancy founded in 1999, based in Moscow. Lighthouse supports its clients in their business intelligence, business development and business strategy on the Russian market. Lighthouse offers a wide range of practical business services ranging from market entry assistance, establishment of local presence, sales and marketing support, project management and strategic business advice.
Over the years, Lighthouse has built up a unique and strong track record as the local expert for international companies and consortiums, executing projects in Russia. Lighthouse uses its extensive practical experience in Russia to bridge the gap between the Western know-how and technology on the one side and the Russian reality on the other side. The clients of Lighthouse range from Western European and North and South American medium sized family-owned businesses to large multinationals from a wide range of sectors.
The Lighthouse team is based in Moscow and currently consists of 6 Western European and Russian experts. Lighthouse team members have extensive experience in both the Russian and European business environments and are backed by a strong network of market experts and freelance consultants.

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