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Мегалайсенз Лицензионное агентство

Megalicense is  the super league Russian Licensing Agency working in Russian and CIS licensing market with local and international brands.

We represent the following brands and companies:  Sanrio (Hello Kitty), Rovio(Angry Birds), Wold of Tanks, Peppa Pig, Sony Pictures, Turner Broadcasting, Carte Blanche Greetings, Love is..., Chupa Chups, Jim Henson Studio and many other wonderful brands.

We are the first member of International Licensing Industry Merchandisers Association (LIMA) in Russia.

The Agency's key specialty is very careful selection of brands. This results in an individual proactive approach towards each product. The successful combination of rich market knowledge and close relations with customers provide us the best results for every single brand.


Megalicense is part of Megaliner Group - the leading music company in Russia responsible for success of such artists as Seryoga, Brothers Grimm, Tarkan and Ranetki Girls. 

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: megalicense.ru
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