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Multinet Group

Multinet is a group of international telecommunication companies that operate networks in South America, Asia and Africa. Founded in 2000, Multinet focuses its activity on providing broadband wireless Internet access on the emerging markets. We have developing projects in Peru, Bangladesh, Afghanistan,  Myanmar, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Uganda.

Multinet offers broadband wireless Internet connection for business and private customers with a wide range of telecommunications services (including voice, data and video services). Multinet targets the markets where high demand for telecom services coexists with limited infrastructure. The company satisfies this demand by developing a wireless broadband access based on Next Generation Network solutions.

We have vast experience in development of numerous projects in the most challenging regions of the world. Our client portfolio is very diversified and consists of both credible government and private global companies and organizations. In our projects we use only approved, certified and reliable know-how and equipment of well-known vendors.

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