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Passware is a privately held software development company. The company has R&D office in Moscow, Russia and sales office in Mountain View, California. We have been in business for 9 years, since 1998. The company is profitable from the beginning. We have over 15 employees now. The mission of Passware is to provide help-desk personnel, law enforcement, forensic agencies, IT professionals, and business and home users with the security tools they need to ensure data availability in the event of lost passwords. The company has an extensive line of over 25 products. Passware software is listed as helpful tool for completing the Certified Computer Examiner (CCE)(R) examination. A number of government agencies and companies require their forensic computer examiners to hold the CCE certification to obtain or maintain their position. A few of our customers include: Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Arthur Andersen, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG, PW Coopers, US Senate, NASA, FDA and IRS.
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