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Pegasystems, the leader in business process management solutions and a leading provider of CRM solutions, helps organizations enhance customer loyalty, generate new business, and improve productivity. Pegasystems enables clients to quickly adapt to changing business conditions in order to outperform the competition.

 Pega has been in existence since 1983. We have offices in 15 countries and distribution in over 130 countries. 

 Pega has been rated in the top 10 in many rankings produced by top analysts in the software industry:

# 8 on Fortune’s List of Fastest-Growing Companies (2010) (#3 in the Technology industry).

#1 in BPM leadership by Gartner and Forrester (Magic Quadrant for Business Process Management Suites October 2010; The Forrester Wave™: Business Process Management Suites, Q3 2010).

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.pega.com
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