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Raisix Inc

    Founded in 2000, Elementool is the leading Web based project management and customer support tools. Elementool provides its tools to software companies and business web sites from all over the world. Elementool is used on a daily basis by its customers, and is integrated in their product development process.
    From the initial stages of the project development process, Elementool enables software testers to track test cases and software defects. Bugs and defects that are found, but not properly tracked, might slip away and be discovered by other entities, such as customers and competitors. The Elementool bug-tracking tool helps you to track and save the discovered bugs and defects. The help desk management service enables you to receive customers support calls directly from your web site and track these calls in your account at the Elementool web site. Using Elementool web site, you can reply and manage the support calls submitted by your clients.
     Raisix Inc. - is а startup company, registered in the USA. This company is engaged in an applications programming for iPhone.

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