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Runge Limited is a leading international mining consultancy and software developer. We began our operations in Australia in 1977 and have developed a reliable, global profile of engineering achievement with a specific focus of providing economic solutions for the mining industry. We engage over 350 professionals worldwide including mining engineers, business analysts, geologists, and software developers. Runge consultants provide adept engineering support services for mines worldwide from start up to production, including feasibility studies, due diligence and valuation, mine planning and scheduling, mine optimisation, business systems and software implementation. Our technology solutions allow more efficient use of valuable people skills by developing options for scheduling, providing truck and loader analysis, simulating dragline functions, and connecting operations from frontline to head office for financial modelling. Our professional development learning solutions further enhance the value of clients' employees by providing the opportunity for professionals to benefit from the knowledge gained from over 30 years of mine planning.
Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.runge.com
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