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Straetus International needs a PHP programmer! 

Straetus is an internationally operating franchise system in business services.
We work in the field of credit management. The company was founded in 2009, we operate with more than 35 offices and have over 5.000 clients. We have our head office in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and recently started in Moscow, Russia as well.

This is where you will work from. (please find our international website at www.straetus.com) 

Our franchisees work with our in house developed web-based software (PHP, MySQL). The software is called Centurion and is highly respected. 

We would like you to become a member of our small, but highly dedicated team. With you as a member of our team, we are sure that we will stay forefront of the industry demand. 

You will be responsible for development, and will interact with our country directors (master franchisors) as well. 

If you like to work with an international team, then this might be the position for you. 

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