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Sinclair Knight Merz

SKM is a leading projects firm, with global capability in strategic consulting, design and delivery. It operates in three mega regions: Asia Pacific, The Americas and EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa), deploying some 6,500 people from more than 40 offices while serving the Buildings and Infrastructure, Mining and Metals, Power and Energy and Water and Environment sectors. Formed in 1964 as a private company, SKM has retained its independence through employee ownership, with fee income now greater than A$1 billion per annum. 

In early 2012, SKM  became the project management company for Shell Retail in Russia.  SKM has been providing these services for Shell in Asia for many years and SKM’s entry into Russia will be an extension to this service. The services provided by SKM include detailed project programming and management, overseeing contractors, sourcing, procurement, cost control, invoice handling, performance measurement, HSSE and interaction with other Shell-appointed service providers.

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