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Sportradar AG Moscow

Sportradar is a global leader in understanding and leveraging the power of sports data and digital content for its clients around the world. We provide cutting-edge solutions and services to media companies, bookmakers, sports federations and state authorities.

We are a truly international business employing over 750 people in more than 25 locations around the world. Our rapid growth has been driven by technological innovation alongside an understanding of our clients’ business needs. It is our commitment to excellent service, quality and reliability that makes us the trusted partner of more than 600 companies in over 80 countries. 

We occupy a unique position at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries.  This creates an exciting and fast-moving working environment that rewards creative thinking and hard work. We are passionate about what we do, and we care passionately about our people.

If you think you’re up to the challenge, come and help us to grow, innovate and develop…


We are currently looking for a Digital Sports Media Solutions sales manager for Sportradar’s office in Moscow. The Sales Manager will be responsible for promoting the company’s digital sports content solutions in the Russian-speaking markets across different customer groups. The right person to drive the digital media sales would ideally be someone with Sales/Key Account Management/Business Development and Marketing profile and someone who understands media platforms, mobile opportunities, social media, online marketing, advertising and sponsorship.  Exposure to sports media industry would be a plus. 

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