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СТС Эвентим РУ

   CTS Eventim RU is specialised in the electronic distribution of tickets for all types of events: rock&pop, culture and sports and as such is the unrivalled market leader in the Russian Federation. Its brands parter.ru and kontramarka.ru are running the most popular and premier web portals in Russia.

  Currently 75 employees are contribution the the constantly growing success of CTS Eventim RU.

  CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA, listed in the MDAX index (ISIN DE 0005470306), is Europe’s market leader in the ticketing field with activities in 23 countries. More than 100 million tickets for more than 200.000 events are marketed annually via EVENTIM group systems. In addition to more than 20.000 stationary outlets in Europe.

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