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Synqq Inc.

Synqq is a mobile app for business meetings. For every meeting, Synqq automatically delivers relevant Internet and Enterprise content as smart cards and allows users to take actions on the content. It determines the relevant information for each meeting by determining the "context" from calendars. During meetings, Synqq enables users to take notes that are contextually tagged and provides simple follow up templates. It further builds Interaction Graph from the business meetings to enable users improve relationships. Download Synqq for iOS here.  

Synqq, Inc. was founded in 2014 by pioneers in mobile video (Qik, acquired by Skype), enterprise data integration (Acta, Siperian) and social networks (OK.RU). Earlier in 2015, the team won a Google Startup $100K award and filed seminal patents on interaction graph and real-time data updates. The Synqq team is based in Sunnyvale, CA and is funded by early stage venture fund and founders of WebEx, Oracle, KeyNote, etc. The company is now working with a select few companies in a field trial. 

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: synqq.com
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