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Sysnet Global Solutions

Sysnet Global Solutions is a leading provider of information security assurance and compliance validation services worldwide. We provide a range of professional services and solutions including our proprietary web based compliance management product Securus to a wide variety of organisations, to assist in protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of vital information assets. Sysnet Global Solutions is a market leader in ISO 27001 services, vulnerability management and audit and assessment consulting through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) program. Sysnet Global Solutions strives to be a centre of excellence for its clients. Through our quality services and solutions, we provide awareness and education for a real-world level of information integrity and security which is based on a comprehensive insight into our clients’ requirements. Our confidence stems from over 20 years experience in multiple IT environments and our expert engineering and consulting teams that are certified to the highest recognised standards including Internet Security Systems (ISS), British Standards Institute and Certification Europe.
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