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Altima °, is a French Digital Marketing agency focusing on SEO in Russia. Altima ° has offices in France (Paris, Lille, Lyon), in Russia (Moscow), China (Beijing, Shanghai), USA (New York)

We offer offer a complete range of web services, from high quality UI / UX web design and clean web development to professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Marketing (SEM), as well as Social Media Optimization (SMO) & Marketing (SMM) .

Our multicultural team is composed of high-level Internet professionals from Europe, Asia, and North America.

Known for our fresh ideas, we help our clients be visible on the Internet and keep their website ahead of the competition. We also implement our know-how of web to develop internal projects, notably in the fields of e-commerce and ranking monitoring (SEO tools).


If you are web designer, e-marketer, web-developer, digital oriented, SEO specialist, looking for an international company based in Moscow, we are always looking for new collaborators, send your profil to: jobs@altima.com.ru


Check out our projects:


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