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TMI Consultancy

TMI is a British consultancy specialising in market research, marketing and PR services. We provide a full spectrum of these services in Russia and the CIS countries. We have experience in various sectors with particular expertise in the international travel industry.


With an unparalleled network of professional associates in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Almaty and Baku, we use these relationships and our expertise to successfully promote your interests throughout Russia and the CIS. We have also established strong connections with tourism and education agencies in major regions of the Russian Federation and can represent our client in virtually every market of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, drawing upon local as well as global resources.


Our key strength lies in providing customised solutions that best suit your needs. We work side by side with our clients and act decisively whenever our clients' interests are at stake.


We offer to our clients:


  • Fully accredited Representative Office in Moscow
  • Network of partnerships across Russia and the CIS
  • Professional Western Management integrated with local expertise
  • International business standards
  • Leading-edge solutions based upon internationally tested proprietary methodologies
  • Customised and flexible approach
  • Russian, English, French, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, and Arabic speaking professionals
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