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The Velosi Group, founded in 1982, provides quality assurance and quality control services to a number of leading national and multinational oil and gas companies, including BP, Shell, ExxonMobil and Chevron. The Velosi Group operates globally through four principal offices in the USA, the UK, Malaysia and the UAE and has operational or representative offices in a further 27 countries worldwide. The services offered by Velosi are complementary. Clients can choose a complete Project Quality Management solution -from design through to commissioning - or select an individual service or combination of services to meet their needs. Our services will monitor and control every quality aspect of your project - from independent thrid party vendor inspection at the purchasing stage, through to on-site quality monitoring during construction.
Velosi Ltd. - Это Мировой Поставщик Услуг в Нефтегазовой отрасли:
- Обеспечение Бесперебойной Эксплуатации Объектов,
- Менеджмент Системы Качества
- Охрана Труда и Окружающей Среды
- Инженерно-Техническая Поддержка
- Сертификационные Услуги
- Независимая Экспертиза
- Неразрушающий Контроль, и т.д.
ООО "Велоси ПромСервис" является дочерней организацией от Velosi Ltd. в РФ.