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We are VIM Digital, a game development studio based in Moscow and we craft beautiful games. We're young, flexible, agile and committed to making great titles. We use our experience and passion to create games that we are insanely proud of.

Games unite millions of people all around the world. We love them, and most important – we can create them while making the boldest decisions. We’re young, but experienced enough to call ourselves professional developers. We don’t pay attention to stamps and templates, and that’s exactly why we create a unique project every time. For us games are a passion, with which we want to infect others.

Everything we do must be beautiful, so our games are always filled with brilliant colors and colorful effects. All of our games are good and have their own “flavor,” which allows them not to be lost in the huge amount of existing hits. We try to make games that evoke emotions and will be remembered for a long time

In each project we focus on the end-user, and that’s why our games are distinguished by a simple interface and friendly game atmosphere. We love what we do, so we’re easy to work and communicate with.

Our goal is to create that which we can proudly call a “Game”!

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Сайт: www.vim.digital
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