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Wise Solutions

Wizee Shopping is a pioneer and a leading company in its industry, managed by an energetic team of young entrepreneurs and supported by a group of international investors, coaches and businessmen. Wise Solutions develops and markets the smartphone app Wizee Shopping which become the biggest location-based shopping app in Russia.
Wizee Shopping is a mobile app that enhances the consumer shopping experience by giving direct access to shopping-specific information, indoor mall maps and location-specific services. Wizee enables ultra-localized real-time communication between shoppers, retailers and malls in a revolutionary new way. By establishing itself as the trusted mobile shopping companion for mall visitors, Wizee aims to over the next 6-12 months become the platform of choice for creative advertising, coupons and other consumer communications by stores, brands and malls. Wizee currently covers 80 malls in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk has 100,000 users and is receiving top grades at the iPhone and Android app stores.

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.wizee.ru
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