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Worldwide Solutions FZ-LLC


We are a young software consulting company that is building a team based in Moscow to help us run an existing portfolio of projects, as well as help us build our delivery practice.

What do we do

  • Our software consulting company is a part of the large international holding

  • Today we rely heavily on contractors to help us build software for our clients, we are looking to bring key expertise in-house in order to grow continuity across projects

  • These particular positions are for the Moscow office, since most of our current clients are in Moscow, while the parent company itself resides in Dubai

Why you should work for us

  • We offer a unique opportunity to take your current Project Management/Product Owner skills to the next level by building out your own vision for a delivery practice

  • We have former engineers turned entrepreneurs, we have current senior management of top consulting firms setting off on their own, we have both technical and project management expertise

  • We are not top-heavy traditional multinational consultancies, nor we are outsourcing body shops

  • Agility to us means short feedback cycles, continuous evolution of software and our own teams and processes together with the client, adoption of best software delivery practices (including tooling and processes); we embrace change and we learn all the time

  • Our industry is insurance and government, since these are the first clients within our holding of companies; subsequently we plan on expanding into other industry verticals

  • Being employed by a Dubai company means lack of taxes, business trips to Dubai, and the exposure to a larger international market

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