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The non-profit educational establishment ZNANIYE-CENTRE Study Group was founded in 1993, as professional consultancy of education abroad. The company has 6 branches in Russia (Blagoveshensk, Khabarovsk, Kazan, Samara Togliatti, Rostov-on-Don ) with the head office in Moscow. ZNANIYE-CENTRE Study Group is well known on the Russian market for their high professionalism. The company has partnership relations with the language centers, schools, colleges and universities in Great Britain, Ireland, USA & Canada, Australia & New Zealand, Western Europe & China. ZNANIYE-CENTRE Study Group consults the students on all the issues of the education abroad and helps the student to find the appropriate education program following his personal desire, request and final goal. Annually, the students from ZNANIYE-CENTRE Study Group are accepted into the most prestigious foreign educational institutions including Oxford and Cambridge. ZNANIYE-CENTRE Study Group is an agency of full cycle services starting with the booking of educational programmes up to visa issues, insurance, air flight tickets purchase and the legalization of the documents as well. ZNANIYE-CENTRE Study Group supervises all the aspects of the programme while the students’ stay abroad and helps to solve any problems that may occur during their programme abroad.