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Capital Investment Consultants

    Private Brokerage Agency, representing all the major worldwide financial institutions. JP Morgan HSBC and Zurich International are just some of the institutions that we are working with. We specialize in providing tailor made tax free savings vehicles to private investors.

    Capital Investment Consultants are independent financial advisers established in Europe since 1998, in Moscow since 2000, offering the widest range of options from worldwide institutions, researched on your behalf. We pride ourselves in the approach of ‘Service Above Self”. We believe this approach pays dividends, as the majority of our business comes from client referrals. Typically our clients are from major international companies, such as Price Waterhouse Coopers, British American Tobacco, IBM, Coca-Cola and others. We are proactive advisers who offer a hands-on approach to help our clients manage and maximize the performance of their funds, bonds, and stock. There are always opportunities, whether they be long or short, as long as there is volatility, the world today is certainly that. We listen to your needs and provide you with alternative flexible savings and investment strategies. The best way to find out about us is to sit down with one of our advisors. The first meeting is informative, the next is the start of a rewarding financial partnership.

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