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Global Exchange

Global Exchange is one of the three leading companies worldwide specialised in rendering currency exchange services to tourists. Today, we have a network of 175 branches located at more than 46 International Airports in 15 countries and 4 continents, where our team of more than 1,500 people serve every year 4 million Customers.

Our company is implementing an ambitious strategic plan aiming to triple the turnover of the company. Our aim is to be present at 25 countries and 350 bureaux de change serving 8 million Customers a year by 2016. This is a solid, sustainable growth that will help us consolidate our leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean, reinforcing our growth in other countries such as Europe, North Africa, Asia and Middle East, opening to any opportunity that may arise in any part of the world.

The clear leading position of Global Exchange in the worldwide airport network, the firm support of more than 20 airport operators, our excellent results and the trust of more than 4 million Customers a year, make us the best partner to offer foreign exchange services at any airport in the world.

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