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Hermes Datacomms


Hermes Datacommunications International Ltd was founded in 1991 by ex-Royal Navy communications specialists. It is a British company owned by its directors.

Hermes Datacomms has been providing IT and communications solutions to international oil and gas companies worldwide since 1991. We now have a strong regional presence in Russia and Central Asia and service partnerships in North Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

We supply and support solutions including satellite networks, microwave, VHF, Inmarsat, PBX, videoconferencing and computer networking. We provide international connections, both to public networks and as extensions of corporate wide-area networks.

We provide support and service at all network layers, ranging from basic physical links to a fully managed IT & Comms package for remote sites.

Hermes’ service centres in Russia and Central Asia provide local service and support. In the UK our earthstation and network hub provides international leased line, voice and Internet access together with network management and monitoring.

Our approach is to manage and control all aspects of the network, end-to-end, including licensing and logistics and both ends of the satellite link. That way, we ensure networks are delivered on-time and on budget, comply with local laws, and meet the most demanding operational standards.

Впечатления о компании
Сайт: www.hermes.uk.com
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