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Mersen (ex Carbone Lorraine) a French company with a worldwilde presence. · An expert player In electrical expertise and in high-performance materials, we develop highly specialized knowledge and know-how to offer our customers unparalleled reliability. · A market strategy To extend our can-do culture, we base our developments on a global analysis of markets, which enables us to plan ahead to meet the future needs of our customers. · Innovation as a dominant gene Our pragmatic and application-driven R&D program targets the pursuit of two principal objectives, i.e. delivering significant gains in competitiveness to our customers and contributing to sustainable development by helping to conserve natural resources. · Our DNA Mersen is characterized by a personality with distinct yet balanced features. It is highly skilled, inquisitive and innovative, entrepreneurial and pioneering, responsible and dynamic. · Our values Our values, which emphasize a human touch, local relationships right around the world, continuous improvement, responsibility and profitable growth, naturally complement our corporate personality and make us look firmly towards the future.