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Азелис Рус

Azelis Rus LLC is a Russia based subsidiary of Azelis Group - the leading pan-European distributor of specialty chemicals. The Azelis Group currently operates in 26 European countries and also has offices in Shanghai and Mumbai. Azelis Rus, with office in Moscow and warehousing facility nearby provides to selective market segments all the necessary value added services – sales, logistics, administration. The main markets where Azelis Rus is represented in Russia are Performance Chemicals, Life Science - Food and Personal Care products, Coatings, Chemicals and Plastics. We combine excellence in technical knowledge of applications with local country presence and a deep understanding of the differing business practices and cultures throughout Europe. The highest standards of the entire Azelis Group are met and consistently applied at the distribution market in Russia. Azelis Rus offers to Principals and Customers the same levels of service that are expected in Europe – technical development and support for customers, a focused marketing strategy, market intelligence and good communication links.

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