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Delixy Energy Pte Ltd

Delixy Energy Pte Ltd was found in 2007. With company’s headquarter located in Singapore, Delixy also set up representative offices in Beijing and Moscow. From its foundation, company had been doing international trading of general crude, oil products and other energy related products, mainly in Far East region, by a group of professionals, who all were in oil business from 10 upto 30 years. The majority trading product including gasoil, fuel oil, mogas, naphtha, gas condensate, base oil and asphalt, and especially successfully on the import and export to/from mainland China. Our trading area including Russia, Japan, Korean, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and other south east/middle Asian countries. Our management committees are an experienced team in oil trading and vessel chartering businesses as well.

With company’s headquarter located in Singapore, Delixy also set up representative offices in Beijing and Moscow.

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