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Imperial Energy Corporation is an independent oil exploration and production company, focusing on creating value for shareholders through its ongoing three-tier strategy:
In pursuing this strategy, Imperial is building on its existing asset base and moving towards establishing itself as a significant independent oil and gas producer in Russia and the CIS.
Founded in 2004, Imperial has rapidly moved from being a junior oil and gas exploration company to an exploration and production organisation focused on rapid growth. This shift marks a dramatic and exciting change for Imperial, which in a relatively short period of time has amassed not only sizable and highly promising acreage, but has started producing from a number of new wells.
The company is currently operating through four subsidiaries (Allianceneftegaz, Sevkazgra, Sibinterneft and Nord Imperial) located in two areas: Tomsk (Western Siberia, Russia) and Kostanai (Kazakhstan).
Furthermore, with Imperial’s ability to acquire 100% ownership of Blocks, it is able to ensure full benefits to the company.