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We at the Kukdong Business Group are proud to present our 3 domestic and 5 overseas corporations, all of which boast strong expertise in their respective areas to privode top-quality services to their clients. By integrating all related business areas Kukdong is creating a strong sinergistic effect and spearheading the development of Korean's logistics industry.

Since its establishment in 1999 Kukdong MES has continuously developed to become one of the best sellers of new/used containers in Asia. Along with its Busan and Incheon branches, Kukdong MES also operates a 12,540sq.m. CY in Yangsan for maritime equipment services to provide efficient storage and logistics services. We have built a global network by establishing overseas subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Dubai, and USA and offices and various parts of China. We are also planning to establish additional subsidiaries in Russia, CIS and Europe in the future. By operating CYs in Korea, China, Southeast Asia, Japan, Central Asia and Middle East as well as each region in Europe and the Americas we are doing all that we can to satisfy the needs of our clients.

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