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Ай-Ди-Би Рус

The Irish Dairy Board (IDB) is an Irish dairy co-operative, owned by Irish dairy processing co-operatives and dairy companies and, through them, by Irish dairy farmers.

IDB has built its export business by opening up new markets and developing new and exciting products that meet the needs of consumers around the world. The IDB exports to over 90 countries worldwide.

We are proud that our brands, including Kerrygold, Dubliner and Pilgrims Choice are market leaders and firm favourites with consumers in countries all over the world.

The success of our business is based on the unique provenance and quality of Irish milk from grass fed cows. In Ireland, we’re very proud of our traditional family farms and of our sustainable, low-carbon grass-based dairy system.


The IDB’s mission is the development of sustainable routes to market for Irish dairy produce on behalf of Irish dairy farmers. An exclusive focus on export markets makes us unique amongst European dairy companies. For IDB, growth is synonymous with exports.

Core to our mission is the drive to further develop our export potential. Underpinning this drive is the impending abolition of milk quotas in 2015. The Irish dairy industry is projecting a 50% increase in milk output by 2020 and as Ireland’s leading dairy exporter we are tasked with building and developing sustainable new routes to market for this milk.

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