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Provimi Petfood Rus

Provimi Pet Food (www.provimipetdivision.com) produces and markets pet food in Europe (Western and Eastern), Asia and South America. Our customers are Supermarkets, Specialized Pet Shops, Veterinarians, Agricultural warehouses and are active in the pet and grocery trades. The products offered are dry pet foods, wet pet foods, snacks and treats, under local brands, regional brands and private label in all market segments.


In Europe we operate a network of 11 factories in 8 countries and we are currently building a factory in the Moscow region in order to better serve our international clients and to enter the rapidly developing Russian retail market.


Provimi Pet Food Europe is part of Provimi (www.provimi.com), a world leader in animal nutrition with over 9000 employees and a turnover of 1,6 billion Euros.


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