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Valeo ranks among the world’s top automotive suppliers.

Our ambition is to become the partner of choice for automakers in reducing CO2 emissions, to accelerate development in emerging countries and to play a role in the consolidation of the sector. With a hundred different nationalities in more than 25 countries around the world, Valeo is a truly global company, present both on the original equipment market and the aftermarket.

Valeo is progressively developing its presence in Russia.

Valeo offers a unique work environment where you can:
- reach Total Quality through the 5 Axes, relying on employee engagement, constant innovation, systematic optimization of production and supplier integration
- share a culture of empowerment and operational excellence based on strong core values
- be surrounded by highly professional, diverse and motivated teams, to deliver international projects across the world
- develop and realize your potential through early responsibility & “life-long” learning
- be recognized for your concrete results
- exceed your expectations by meeting new challenges every day

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