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In June 2007 in the Republic of Armenia В«UnifishВ» LLC was established.
The main activity is the breeding of sturgeon and trout fishes, 
as well as the production of trout and ossetra caviar.

In June 2011 in Russia OOO В«Unifish ProcessingВ» (LLC) was established. The main activity is the import of the refrigerated fish products and caviar, produced by В«UnifishВ» LLC, Armenia, the products storage, processing and sales within Russia and CIS territory. 
The Company possesses direct long-term contracts for the products supply in all the largest Federal retail networks.
In June 2012 in the Republic of Armenia В«Unifish ExportВ» LLC was established. The main activity is the processing, packaging and export of the products, produced by В«UnifishВ» LLC, Armenia, as well as the timely reimbursement of the export VAT.
In June 2012 in the Netherlands В«Unifish GroupВ» B.V. was established. The main goal of the Company is the consolidation
of assets in Russia and Armenia, the provision of integration of a special fish feeds production factory in Germany, organization of the comfortable entry to the sales markets of the European Union countries, access to direct, long-term financial instruments in Europe.
At the present stage a Vertically-Integrated Holding is formed with unique water resources, using the clearest artesian water with an unparalleled flow value and annual average temperature perfectly suitable for fish breeding,
with water quality being close to potable water.

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